Temperature calibrators are advanced devices that can replicate the process of temperature sensors, which has the nominal range commonly called the point of uncertainty or accuracy. It’s often referred to as a thermometer that monitors the change in temperature readings. Numerous devices in the market resemble the functionality of temperature calibrators. Here is the list of some to make a note of: Thermometer Calibrator Temperature Simulator Thermocouple Furnace Temperature Indicator Infrared Thermometer Black Body Calibrator Dry Block Calibrator Pyrometers Stirred Baths Universal Dry Block Low-Temperature Calibrator Dual Dry Block (Hot & Cold) Temperature Calibrator Medium Temperature Dry Block Calibrator Metrological Dry Block Medium Temperature Calibrator Irrespective of its type, the defined function of the temperature calibrator is similar. It also has the operational feature of sourcing & locating errors of any device that can measure equipment temperature. Are you l...